Every year, the International Day of the Girl Child aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girls' empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Join us in celebrating girls in Afghanistan and the world over, and empower them to innovate and lead the way to a brighter future.

In Afghanistan, girls still face huge barriers to accessing education and work, and have very little influence over their own futures. We are working to change this and, despite the many challenges they face, the spirit and determination of these girls is truly remarkable.

This year, we have been chatting to girls in some of the communities we are working with, to find out what their aspirations are for the future. Let's stand with these future trailblazers and support them to access their rights, remove gender barriers and reach their full potential, so that they can build a better future for themselves and their communities. 


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In addition to ensuring that gender equality underpins all of the work we do, we also deliver stand-alone projects which specifically target women’s economic empowerment and gender rights. Continue reading>>

We enable better access to education in poor and remote rural areas of Afghanistan by building schools which are fit for purpose for girls & boys alike. Continue reading>>

Good nutrition is key to unlocking a girl’s potential. By helping men and women to improve their household’s income, we have enabled families to send children to school, consume more nutritious food, access health services, and live with greater dignity. Continue reading>>