Our response Afghanaid knows that healthy and well cared-for working animals are stronger, more productive and live longer, meaning that the families who depend on them are more prosperous and their communities are more resilient. So, we’ve been working with Brooke, an animal welfare charity, providing farming families with the skills, knowledge and tools they need to thrive. It is a simple solution with lasting results. Be a part of the solution. We rely on our animals completely - without them we would not survive. Afghanaid has helped us to take the best care of our animals, so now we can get the best out of them. It means I get a better income, my children eat better and we're all happier. Supporting vets to support communities We are also working with local vets in each district, giving them the specialised training they need to provide essential animal health services to farmers, and establishing links between the farmers and vets so that they can access their assistance when they need it. Our support doesn't stop there Over the coming years, we will continue supporting farmers like Aliha in the Central Highlands. We will: Teach them improved farming techniques which are up to date and adapted to the changing climate. Provide them with the tools and technical training they need to increase the quantity and quality of their produce. Help them improve their links to markets, thereby diversifying and increasing their income. This will increase the resilience of their households, enabling them to better withstand economic and environmental shocks and secure a stronger future for their families. We need your help to continue this important work Please support a family like Aliha’s today and become part of a lasting solution for a more resilient future. The effects of your gift, however small or large, will be long-lasting, as the people you help now will be able to pass on their new skills to their families and friends, and invest in the future of their communities. Who you will help You will help farmers like Aliha to secure a brighter future for their families. Aliha explains how working with Afghanaid is changing the course of his family’s life. Read Aliha’s story Manage Cookie Preferences