Afghanistan is the eighth most vulnerable country in the world to climate change, yet communities across the country are ill equipped to deal with the extreme challenges the climate crisis brings. Rising temperatures and frequent droughts, as well as increasing instances of floods and other natural disasters are leaving thousands of families at risk of injury, death and displacement, as well as threatening their homes and livelihoods. On average, 200,000 people are directly affected by natural disasters each year, with millions more forced to deal with the indirect effects such disasters have on food security, infrastructure and the economy.

Our teams work hard to mitigate these climate impacts, supporting families on the frontlines of the climate crisis to protect themselves and adapt, and so saving lives of some of the most vulnerable.

Disaster Risk Reduction

We work with communities to understand how climate change and disaster hazards impact their livelihoods and find ways to lessen their impact, building local capacity to plan, prepare for and respond to disasters. In the past three years we have established 71 community-based disaster management committees through which we have helped communities to identify at-risk areas and protect themselves by building flood retention walls, trenches and through tree planting, or by relocating vulnerable livestock and homes. 

Recently, we implemented a community-based drought early warning system that combined data measured at a global and local level with indigenous climate indicators to allow for real-time monitoring of bioclimatic variables. Benefitting 7,000 people, this initiative helped farmers prepare for and anticipate drought conditions, enabling them to better protect their livestock and crops, and consequently improving food security. 

We have also provided community and school-based emergency response teams with training in early warning, emergency evacuation and first aid, and we have equipped 681 community-based teams and 254 school-based teams with emergency response kits, including rescue and first aid equipment. In the last 3 years we have run 85 first aid courses, benefitting over 1,700 people.

 Climate Change Adaptation

Whilst many of our initiatives work to mitigate the impact of disasters, some help to lessen their frequency altogether, building community resilience and allowing them to build a brighter future.

Our innovative and transformative work as the leader of the Afghanistan Resilience Consortium (ARC) has enabled us to protect thousands of rural families from climate change-induced disasters like floods. In one recent project, through trench excavation, terrace construction, the use of gully plugs, flood mitigation structures, retention structures and irrigation canal construction, the ARC was able to protect the farmland of over 27,000 households, equating to 45,628 acres, from being destroyed by flooding. 

With climate change additionally causing low precipitation and reduced snowfall, water scarcity is another pressing issue communities must adapt to in order to overcome the effects of climate change in the country. The percentage of households experiencing barriers to accessing water grew to 60% in 2022, a steep increase from 48% the previous year. By helping rural communities effectively conserve water, we can lessen the water crisis, protect agricultural livelihoods and ensure access to clean drinking water for vulnerable families. Through building reservoirs, rehabilitating water supply networks, improving irrigation systems and installing solar pumps, we have been able to improve tens of thousands of families’ access to water in the last 12 months.

Afghanistan heavily relies on agriculture, but changing weather patterns and rising temperatures threaten food security and livelihoods. Farmers face difficulties in cultivating crops, leading to increased vulnerability and food scarcity. To tackle this, we distribute improved seeds to farming communities across the country, which can better withstand drought conditions and pests. 

In 2022, we distributed various seeds to over 63,000 project participants, and hosted regular training sessions on updated agricultural techniques, enabling farming men and women to adapt to climatic changes and ensuring they can be agile in the face of uncertainty. In 2022, we also planted over 64,000 trees across Samangan province, revitalising and protecting soil in the region and reversing deforestation, whilst giving rural families good quality fruit to sell at the local market and providing a vital new source of income.

Climate Adaptation In Chayabak Village

How you can help:

As Afghanistan continues to disproportionately bear the brunt of the effects of climate change, we urgently need your support to keep families safe. 

By setting up a regular gift, your donation will ensure our teams can adapt quickly in the face of disaster, providing sustained assistance to vulnerable men, women and children most at risk of the effects of the climate crisis. Give a helping hand by donating today.

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