This year, we will continue to make life better for over one million people in Afghanistan. Regular support from our wonderful monthly giving community is a vital resource that enables us to do this. Having a reliable stream of funds that we can count on all year round, allows us to plan ahead so we can reach more vulnerable men, women and children, and respond immediately when disasters strike or emergencies like COVID-19 arise. 

Regular gifts empower change that will last. Every month, you can help us save lives, reach remote villages, respond to emergencies and natural disasters, and work with communities to make them healthier and stronger. You will join us and our partnering communities in building a brighter future for Afghanistan.

Do something amazing today: join our monthly giving movement

You can make amazing things happen when you give monthly:

Can I give any amount?

Absolutely - you can give a regular gift of any amount you choose, for as long as you choose. A regular donation, no matter how small or large, helps ensure we can make long-term change for some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

Set up your regular gift in a few short clicks

Can I give a monthly gift through my company or organisation?

Definitely! An increasing number of our fantastic regular giving community are choosing to donate on a monthly basis through Payroll Giving schemes at their workplace. 

Why choose payroll giving? Any donations made through a Payroll Giving scheme are incredibly tax-friendly, as they are taken from your pay before tax, but after National Insurance, and employers can deduct the costs of running the scheme before paying tax on their business profits. Many organisations will already have a scheme in place to facilitate this for you!

Learn more about Payroll Giving


Our promise to you

When you choose to join our monthly giving community, we recognise that you are putting your trust in us - in return, we promise to use your money so that it will have the most impact, in the most cost-effective way possible. We know that we can only achieve our goal of a peaceful and thriving Afghanistan thanks to your generosity, support and trust - thank you.

We are committed to being fully accountable and transparent to the communities we work in, as well as to all of the individual supporters who make our work possible, so that you can be sure your money is being used wisely. Read our accountability promise.

Join our monthly giving community